Fee Disclosures

Last Updated October 29, 2024

The Canadian Code of Conduct for The Payments Industry requires us to provide to you a summary of certain information from our Terms of Service (located at https://legal.helcim.com/ca/terms-of-service/) and disclosure of our fees.

Helcim has always been committed to honest and transparent pricing. Our fees are also set out on our public website at https://www.helcim.com/pricing/.

You can also see summary of card brand interchange rates at:

Information Summary Box

Date of Contract The agreement begins upon the date you electronically agree to the terms at sign up and continues until you stop using the Services or Helcim terminates the agreement.
Acquirer Elavon Canada Company   1-866-310-3345
Cancellation of contract and any applicable penalties You may terminate this agreement by closing your Helcim account by following the instructions on your Helcim Dashboard. We may terminate this agreement at any time and for any reason by providing notice to you in accordance with this agreement. There are no penalties for termination; however, termination will not affect any provisions that give rise to limitations or an ongoing obligation such as fees owed for processed transactions or related chargebacks.
Complaint handling procedures Merchant complaints should be submitted to Helcim's Support Team at [email protected] or via telephone at 1-877-643-5246.
Information about payment terminal Helcim offers payment terminals for purchase, the current purchase price and terms are displayed at the time of checkout. Information on our payment terminal can be found on our website.
Contactless payments acceptance Contactless payments have been enabled at the point of sale on the Helcim Card Reader. Contactless payments are subject to the Card Issuer's limits.
Transaction return policy Transaction fees are not charged for refund transactions, but fees on the original payment will not be returned. A large portion of the fees charged for settled transactions go to banks and card networks, which often are not returned on refund transactions.
Code of Conduct The Code of Conduct for the Credit and Debit Card Industry is available at the FCAC's website here.
Statements Account Statements are available electronically, without charge, through the Helcim Dashboard.

Fee Disclosure Box

Helcim provides all merchants with a billing method known as Interchange Plus pricing (also known as Interchange+ or Cost+). All card association fees, network fees and interchange rates are passed onto the merchant directly. Helcim then adds its processing margin, which includes a (%) rate and a per transaction ($) fee. The card rates displayed in the Fee Disclosure Boxes below reflect those fees and our margin combined.

Card-present (also referred as "in-person") are transactions processed and verified using either Chip & PIN, Chip & Signature, Magnetic Swipe or Tap (NFC). Card-not-present (also referred as "keyed") are transactions manually entered into the Helcim platform, such as payments processed using the Virtual Terminal, Card-Vault and Ecommerce portals. Recurring transactions are processed using Helcim's Recurring & Subscription functionality, which in most cases will qualify for discounted interchange rates from the card-networks.

Helcim provides discounted rates based on your card processing volume. These discounts are divided into 5 tiers, and are automatically assigned to a tier based on a 3-month rolling processing average of all card-based transactions.

Discount Tier
Monthly Card Volume
Processing Method
Card-Present Card-Not-Present
Tier 1 - $0 - 50,000 0.40% + 8¢ 0.50% + 25¢
Tier 2 - $50,001 - $100,000 0.35% + 7¢ 0.45% + 20¢
Tier 3 - $100,001 - 500,000 0.25% + 7¢ 0.35% + 20¢
Tier 4 - $500,001 - 1,000,000 0.20% + 6¢ 0.25% + 15¢
Tier 5 - $1,000,001 + 0.15% + 6¢ 0.15% + 15¢

Fee Disclosure Box - Tier 1

Merchants processing between $0 - 50,000 per month in card payment volume will qualify for Tier 1 pricing. For this tier, the Helcim Interchange Plus margin is 0.40% + 8¢ for card-present transactions, and 0.50% + 25¢ for card-not-present and recurring transactions.

Card Type Processing Method
Card-Present Card-Not-Present Recurring
Visa Consumer 1.75% + 8¢ 2.00% + 25¢ 1.85% + 25¢
Visa Infinite 2.07% + 8¢ 2.25% + 25¢ 2.13% + 25¢
Visa Privilege 2.58% + 8¢ 3.00% + 25¢ 2.55% + 25¢
Visa Corporate 2.40% + 8¢ 2.60% + 25¢ 2.45% + 25¢
MasterCard Consumer (Core) 1.42% + 9¢ 2.56% + 27¢ 2.66% + 27¢
MasterCard Premium (World) 1.72% + 9¢ 2.79% + 27¢ 2.90% + 27¢
MasterCard High-Spend (World Elite) 2.06% + 9¢ 3.02% + 27¢ 3.14% + 27¢
MasterCard Super Premium (Muse) 2.15% + 9¢ 3.14% + 27¢ 3.29% + 27¢
MasterCard Corporate 2.50% + 9¢ 2.60% + 27¢ 2.60% + 27¢
Discover Rewards 1.92% + 8¢ 2.29% + 25¢ 1.94% + 25¢
Discover Premium 2.27% + 8¢ 2.67% + 25¢ 2.17% + 25¢
Discover Premium Plus 2.52% + 8¢ 3.17% + 25¢ 2.62% + 25¢
Discover Commercial 2.47% + 8¢ 3.22% + 25¢ 2.57% + 25¢
American Express
Transactions Over $0
2.24% + 18¢ 2.67% + 35¢ 2.67% + 35¢
American Express
Transactions Over $500
2.64% + 18¢ 3.07% + 35¢ 3.07% + 35¢
American Express Restaurant/T&E
Transactions Over $0
2.24% + 18¢ 2.67% + 35¢ 2.67% + 35¢
American Express Restaurant/T&E
Transactions Over $200
3.04% + 18¢ 3.47% + 35¢ 3.47% + 35¢
American Express Prepaid
Transactions Over $0
2.24% + 18¢ 2.67% + 35¢ 2.67% + 35¢
American Express Prepaid
Transactions Over $200
2.64% + 18¢ 3.07% + 35¢ 3.07% + 35¢
American Express USD
Canadian Merchants Accepting US Dollar
2.84% + 18¢ 3.27% + 35¢ 3.27% + 35¢
Interac Debit Chip & PIN 8.9¢ n/a n/a
Interac Debit Flash (NFC/Tap) 11.4¢ n/a n/a
Interac Debit Flash (Quick-Service) 10.9¢ n/a n/a

Fee Disclosure Box - Tier 2

Merchants processing between $50,001 - $100,000 per month in card payment volume will qualify for Tier 2 pricing. For this tier, the Helcim Interchange Plus margin is 0.35% + 7¢ for card-present transactions, and 0.45% + 20¢ for card-not-present and recurring transactions.

Card Type Processing Method
Card-Present Card-Not-Present Recurring
Visa Consumer 1.70% + 7¢ 1.95% + 20¢ 1.80% + 20¢
Visa Infinite 2.02% + 7¢ 2.20% + 20¢ 2.08% + 20¢
Visa Privilege 2.53% + 7¢ 2.95% + 20¢ 2.50% + 20¢
Visa Corporate 2.35% + 7¢ 2.55% + 20¢ 2.40% + 20¢
MasterCard Consumer (Core) 1.37% + 8¢ 2.51% + 22¢ 2.61% + 22¢
MasterCard Premium (World) 1.67% + 8¢ 2.74% + 22¢ 2.85% + 22¢
MasterCard High-Spend (World Elite) 2.01% + 8¢ 2.97% + 22¢ 3.09% + 22¢
MasterCard Super Premium (Muse) 2.10% + 8¢ 3.09% + 22¢ 3.24% + 22¢
MasterCard Corporate 2.45% + 8¢ 2.55% + 22¢ 2.55% + 22¢
Discover Rewards 1.87% + 7¢ 2.24% + 20¢ 1.89% + 20¢
Discover Premium 2.22% + 7¢ 2.62% + 20¢ 2.12% + 20¢
Discover Premium Plus 2.47% + 7¢ 3.12% + 20¢ 2.57% + 20¢
Discover Commercial 2.42% + 7¢ 3.17% + 20¢ 2.52% + 20¢
American Express
Transactions Over $0
2.19% + 17¢ 2.62% + 30¢ 2.62% + 30¢
American Express
Transactions Over $500
2.59% + 17¢ 3.02% + 30¢ 3.02% + 30¢
American Express Restaurant/T&E
Transactions Over $0
2.19% + 17¢ 2.62% + 30¢ 2.62% + 30¢
American Express Restaurant/T&E
Transactions Over $200
2.99% + 17¢ 3.42% + 30¢ 3.42% + 30¢
American Express Prepaid
Transactions Over $0
2.19% + 17¢ 2.62% + 30¢ 2.62% + 30¢
American Express Prepaid
Transactions Over $200
2.59% + 17¢ 3.02% + 30¢ 3.02% + 30¢
American Express USD
Canadian Merchants Accepting US Dollar
2.79% + 17¢ 3.22% + 30¢ 3.22% + 30¢
Interac Debit Chip & PIN 7.9¢ n/a n/a
Interac Debit Flash (NFC/Tap) 10.4¢ n/a n/a
Interac Debit Flash (Quick-Service) 9.9¢ n/a n/a

Fee Disclosure Box - Tier 3

Merchants processing between $100,001 - 500,000 per month in card payment volume will qualify for Tier 3 pricing. For this tier, the Helcim Interchange Plus margin is 0.25% + 7¢ for card-present transactions, and 0.35% + 20¢ for card-not-present and recurring transactions.

Card Type Processing Method
Card-Present Card-Not-Present Recurring
Visa Consumer 1.60% + 7¢ 1.85% + 20¢ 1.70% + 20¢
Visa Infinite 1.92% + 7¢ 2.10% + 20¢ 1.98% + 20¢
Visa Privilege 2.43% + 7¢ 2.85% + 20¢ 2.40% + 20¢
Visa Corporate 2.25% + 7¢ 2.45% + 20¢ 2.30% + 20¢
MasterCard Consumer (Core) 1.27% + 8¢ 2.41% + 22¢ 2.51% + 22¢
MasterCard Premium (World) 1.57% + 8¢ 2.64% + 22¢ 2.75% + 22¢
MasterCard High-Spend (World Elite) 1.91% + 8¢ 2.87% + 22¢ 2.99% + 22¢
MasterCard Super Premium (Muse) 2.00% + 8¢ 2.99% + 22¢ 3.14% + 22¢
MasterCard Corporate 2.35% + 8¢ 2.45% + 22¢ 2.45% + 22¢
Discover Rewards 1.77% + 7¢ 2.14% + 20¢ 1.79% + 20¢
Discover Premium 2.12% + 7¢ 2.52% + 20¢ 2.02% + 20¢
Discover Premium Plus 2.37% + 7¢ 3.02% + 20¢ 2.47% + 20¢
Discover Commercial 2.32% + 7¢ 3.07% + 20¢ 2.42% + 20¢
American Express
Transactions Over $0
2.09% + 17¢ 2.52% + 30¢ 2.52% + 30¢
American Express
Transactions Over $500
2.49% + 17¢ 2.92% + 30¢ 2.92% + 30¢
American Express Restaurant/T&E
Transactions Over $0
2.09% + 17¢ 2.52% + 30¢ 2.52% + 30¢
American Express Restaurant/T&E
Transactions Over $200
2.89% + 17¢ 3.32% + 30¢ 3.32% + 30¢
American Express Prepaid
Transactions Over $0
2.09% + 17¢ 2.52% + 30¢ 2.52% + 30¢
American Express Prepaid
Transactions Over $200
2.49% + 17¢ 2.92% + 30¢ 2.92% + 30¢
American Express USD
Canadian Merchants Accepting US Dollar
2.69% + 17¢ 3.12% + 30¢ 3.12% + 30¢
Interac Debit Chip & PIN 7.9¢ n/a n/a
Interac Debit Flash (NFC/Tap) 10.4¢ n/a n/a
Interac Debit Flash (Quick-Service) 9.9¢ n/a n/a

Fee Disclosure Box - Tier 4

Merchants processing between $500,001 - 1,000,000 per month in card payment volume will qualify for Tier 4 pricing. For this tier, the Helcim Interchange Plus margin is 0.20% + 6¢ for card-present transactions, and 0.25% + 15¢ for card-not-present and recurring transactions.

Card Type Processing Method
Card-Present Card-Not-Present Recurring
Visa Consumer 1.55% + 6¢ 1.75% + 15¢ 1.60% + 15¢
Visa Infinite 1.87% + 6¢ 2.00% + 15¢ 1.88% + 15¢
Visa Privilege 2.38% + 6¢ 2.75% + 15¢ 2.30% + 15¢
Visa Corporate 2.20% + 6¢ 2.35% + 15¢ 2.20% + 15¢
MasterCard Consumer (Core) 1.22% + 7¢ 2.31% + 17¢ 2.41% + 17¢
MasterCard Premium (World) 1.52% + 7¢ 2.54% + 17¢ 2.65% + 17¢
MasterCard High-Spend (World Elite) 1.86% + 7¢ 2.77% + 17¢ 2.89% + 17¢
MasterCard Super Premium (Muse) 1.95% + 7¢ 2.89% + 17¢ 3.04% + 17¢
MasterCard Corporate 2.30% + 7¢ 2.35% + 17¢ 2.35% + 17¢
Discover Rewards 1.72% + 6¢ 2.04% + 15¢ 1.69% + 15¢
Discover Premium 2.07% + 6¢ 2.42% + 15¢ 1.92% + 15¢
Discover Premium Plus 2.32% + 6¢ 2.92% + 15¢ 2.37% + 15¢
Discover Commercial 2.27% + 6¢ 2.97% + 15¢ 2.32% + 15¢
American Express
Transactions Over $0
2.04% + 16¢ 2.42% + 25¢ 2.42% + 25¢
American Express
Transactions Over $500
2.44% + 16¢ 2.82% + 25¢ 2.82% + 25¢
American Express Restaurant/T&E
Transactions Over $0
2.04% + 16¢ 2.42% + 25¢ 2.42% + 25¢
American Express Restaurant/T&E
Transactions Over $200
2.84% + 16¢ 3.22% + 25¢ 3.22% + 25¢
American Express Prepaid
Transactions Over $0
2.04% + 16¢ 2.42% + 25¢ 2.42% + 25¢
American Express Prepaid
Transactions Over $200
2.44% + 16¢ 2.82% + 25¢ 2.82% + 25¢
American Express USD
Canadian Merchants Accepting US Dollar
2.64% + 16¢ 3.02% + 25¢ 3.02% + 25¢
Interac Debit Chip & PIN 6.9¢ n/a n/a
Interac Debit Flash (NFC/Tap) 9.4¢ n/a n/a
Interac Debit Flash (Quick-Service) 8.9¢ n/a n/a

Fee Disclosure Box - Tier 5

Merchants processing between $1,000,001 + per month in card payment volume will qualify for Tier 5 pricing. For this tier, the Helcim Interchange Plus margin is 0.15% + 6¢ for card-present transactions, and 0.15% + 15¢ for card-not-present and recurring transactions.

Card Type Processing Method
Card-Present Card-Not-Present Recurring
Visa Consumer 1.50% + 6¢ 1.65% + 15¢ 1.50% + 15¢
Visa Infinite 1.82% + 6¢ 1.90% + 15¢ 1.78% + 15¢
Visa Privilege 2.33% + 6¢ 2.65% + 15¢ 2.20% + 15¢
Visa Corporate 2.15% + 6¢ 2.25% + 15¢ 2.10% + 15¢
MasterCard Consumer (Core) 1.17% + 7¢ 2.21% + 17¢ 2.31% + 17¢
MasterCard Premium (World) 1.47% + 7¢ 2.44% + 17¢ 2.55% + 17¢
MasterCard High-Spend (World Elite) 1.81% + 7¢ 2.67% + 17¢ 2.79% + 17¢
MasterCard Super Premium (Muse) 1.90% + 7¢ 2.79% + 17¢ 2.94% + 17¢
MasterCard Corporate 2.25% + 7¢ 2.25% + 17¢ 2.25% + 17¢
Discover Rewards 1.67% + 6¢ 1.94% + 15¢ 1.59% + 15¢
Discover Premium 2.02% + 6¢ 2.32% + 15¢ 1.82% + 15¢
Discover Premium Plus 2.27% + 6¢ 2.82% + 15¢ 2.27% + 15¢
Discover Commercial 2.22% + 6¢ 2.87% + 15¢ 2.22% + 15¢
American Express
Transactions Over $0
1.99% + 16¢ 2.32% + 25¢ 2.32% + 25¢
American Express
Transactions Over $500
2.39% + 16¢ 2.72% + 25¢ 2.72% + 25¢
American Express Restaurant/T&E
Transactions Over $0
1.99% + 16¢ 2.32% + 25¢ 2.32% + 25¢
American Express Restaurant/T&E
Transactions Over $200
2.79% + 16¢ 3.12% + 25¢ 3.12% + 25¢
American Express Prepaid
Transactions Over $0
1.99% + 16¢ 2.32% + 25¢ 2.32% + 25¢
American Express Prepaid
Transactions Over $200
2.39% + 16¢ 2.72% + 25¢ 2.72% + 25¢
American Express USD
Canadian Merchants Accepting US Dollar
2.59% + 16¢ 2.92% + 25¢ 2.92% + 25¢
Interac Debit Chip & PIN 6.9¢ n/a n/a
Interac Debit Flash (NFC/Tap) 9.4¢ n/a n/a
Interac Debit Flash (Quick-Service) 8.9¢ n/a n/a

Fee Disclosure Box - International Transactions

Card associations and network will charge additional fees for 'international transactions', which are transactions where the cardholder issuing bank is located in a different country than the merchant. The merchant's acceptance currency will also play a factor in the fees charged by the network, as displayed below.

Card Network Processing Method & Currency
Card-Present CAD Card-Not-Present CAD Card-Not-Present USD
Visa International +0.68% + 0¢ +1.13% + 0¢ +1.13% + 0¢
MasterCard International +0.68% + 0¢ +1.13% + 0¢ +1.13% + 0¢
Discover International +0.45% + 0¢ +0.45% + 0¢ +0.45% + 0¢
American Express International +0.45% + 0¢ +0.45% + 0¢ n/a
Interac Debit International n/a n/a n/a

Helcim Bank Payments

Description Fee Details
EFT/PAD Payment 0.5% + 25ยข per approved transaction below $25,000
  • Fees are capped at $6 for all approved transactions below $25,000
  • A fee of 0.05% is charged for any amount above $25,000
NSF / Reject / Return $5 CAD per transaction that is rejected or returned by the bank network.

Other Fees

Description Fee Details
Chargebacks $15 CAD or $0 per occurrence. Chargebacks that are resolved in your favor will have their fee fully refunded back to you.
Currency Conversion Fee 1% above the daily 5pm EST market rate. This fee only applies to merchants processing using our Multi-Currency-Processing (MCP) service, and does not apply to basic international transactions.
Helcim Card Reader Purchase $129 CAD plus applicable taxes
Helcim Smart Terminal Purchase $399 CAD or 12 monthly payments of $35 plus applicable taxes
Helcim Level 2/3 Interchange Optimization Helcim will optimize corporate and commercial credit card data to help reduce your interchange fees, a 30% optimization fee will be retained on savings generated.
Helcim Recurring Payments 0.4% per applicable recurring transaction
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