Fee Disclosures

Last Updated June 28, 2023

Helcim has always been committed to honest and transparent pricing. Our fees are also set out on our public website at https://www.helcim.com/pricing/.

You can also see summary of card brand interchange rates at:

Understanding Our Payment Fees

Helcim provides all merchants with a billing method known as Interchange Plus pricing (also known as Interchange+ or Cost+). All card association fees, network fees and interchange rates are passed onto the merchant directly. Helcim then adds its processing margin, which includes a (%) rate and a per transaction ($) fee.

Card-present (also referred as "in-person") are transactions processed and verified using either Chip & PIN, Chip & Signature, Magnetic Swipe or Tap (NFC). Card-not-present (also referred as "keyed") are transactions manually entered into the Helcim platform, such as payments processed using the Virtual Terminal, Card-Vault and Ecommerce portals. Recurring transactions are processed using Helcim's Recurring & Subscription functionality, which in most cases will qualify for discounted interchange rates from the card-networks.

Helcim provides discounted rates based on on your card processing volume. These discounts are divided into 5 tiers, and are automatically assigned to a tier based on a 3-month rolling processing average of all card-based transactions.

Discount Tier
Monthly Card Volume
Processing Method
Card-Present Card-Not-Present
Tier 1 - $0 - 50,000 0.40% + 8¢ 0.50% + 25¢
Tier 2 - $50,001 - $100,000 0.35% + 7¢ 0.45% + 20¢
Tier 3 - $100,001 - 500,000 0.25% + 7¢ 0.35% + 20¢
Tier 4 - $500,001 - 1,000,000 0.20% + 6¢ 0.25% + 15¢
Tier 5 - $1,000,001 + 0.15% + 6¢ 0.15% + 15¢

International Transactions

Card associations and network will charge additional fees for 'international transactions', which are transactions where the cardholder issuing bank is located in a different country than the merchant. The merchant's acceptance currency will also play a factor in the fees charged by the network, as displayed below.

Card Network Processing Method & Currency
Card-Present USD Card-Not-Present USD
Visa International +1.45% + 4¢ +1.45% + 4¢
MasterCard International +1.45% + 0¢ +1.45% + 0¢
Discover International +1.00% + 0¢ +1.00% + 0¢
American Express International +1.30% + 0¢ +1.30% + 0¢

Helcim Bank Payments

Description Fee Details
ACH Payment 0.5% + 25ยข per approved transaction below $25,000
  • Fees are capped at $6 for all approved transactions below $25,000
  • A fee of 0.05% is charged for any amount above $25,000
NSF / Reject / Return $5 USD per transaction that is rejected or returned by the bank network.

Other Fees

Description Fee Details
Chargebacks $15 USD or $0 per occurrence. Chargebacks that are resolved in your favor will have their fee fully refunded back to you.
Currency Conversion Fee 1% above the daily 5pm EST market rate. This fee only applies to merchants processing using our Multi-Currency-Processing (MCP) service, and does not apply to basic international transactions.
Helcim Card Reader Purchase $99 USD plus applicable taxes
Helcim Smart Terminal Purchase $329 CAD or 5 monthly payments of $68 plus applicable taxes
Helcim Level 2/3 Interchange Optimization Helcim will optimize corporate and commercial credit card data to help reduce your interchange fees, a 30% optimization fee will be retained on savings generated.